
Got to Get You Into My Life

Investing can seem like a daunting and scary task but it doesn’t have to be. My goal with this book was to create a unique, inspiring and eye-opening guide to investing and wealth management, creatively set to Beatles music.

HELP!, (WHY YOU NEED SOMEBODY & NOT JUST ANYBODY) TO GUIDE YOU ON THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD OF INVESTING, aspires to empower readers with the tools and vital information needed to find and/or evaluate their ideal advisor/platform/firm and ensure that they are collaborating with professionals that truly care for them and put their interests first, as well as educate them on basic investing concepts to inspire them to reach their financial and life goals.

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I Want to Hold Your Hand

Everyone in life benefits from having their hand held to help them reach any goal. It amazes me how many people hire trainers and nutritionists to help them reach their health and wellness goals, yet the idea of working with a financial coach is a mere afterthought.

Financial health is vital to creating the life you truly desire, and the magic begins once you decide to collaborate with the right financial advisor. Imagine the difference it would make in your life to work with someone who guides you toward your financial goals and holds your hand when you experience market volatility-related fear, like you may have experienced during the recent coronavirus crisis.

The number one factor that affects portfolio returns is investor behavior. Most clients sell when they are scared and buy when they are euphoric about the markets. Over time, however, it’s time in the market that creates wealth, not timing the markets.

If you are presently enjoying the fruits of working with an advisor whom you love, congratulations! But if you are one of the many who are not, I invite you to invest a few minutes of your time and read this quick book, creatively set to Beatles’ song titles. It may literally change your life.



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Arlene Alvarez, Jack Canfield, and a select group of professionals co-wrote Turning Point: How leading entrepreneurs and professionals turn their dreams into reality. After this release, Arlene Alvarez is recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®.

